When you have reached the point with your beloved pet that you know it is time to let go, the gift of euthanasia is something we can offer our pets. While it will no doubt be one of the most difficult decisions of your life, it can also be one of the most loving. You share a bond with your pet and there is a communication that exists between you. Many people who have taken this journey before you report seeing a look in their pet’s eyes that told them “it’s time.”
Allowing your pet to pass at home surrounded by their people is possibly the greatest gift you can give them. Something often overlooked is the ability for sibling pets to be there as well so they can have closure and know what happened.
Pets over 100lbs: $550
“At Need” appointment times available 7 days a week, 9:00am-7:00pm, based on availability
Optional Private Cremation Services available*
R.A.I.N.B.O.W. Scale
To receive a copy of “How Will I Know When It’s Time? R.A.I.N.B.O.W. Scale: Assessing Your Pet’s Quality of Life,” click below to learn more and download.
Call 513-489-7297 ext. 1
Please note:
We provide pet hospice and euthanasia for pets who have received a terminal diagnosis, or whose quality of life is diminishing due to age. We do not perform euthanasia for pets based on behavioral issues alone. We can only perform services if the behavioral issues are secondary to medical diagnosis. Aggressive pets that require extra medications may incur an additional charge.
*After care of body is not included in home euthanasia service fee, however, our optional cremation services may be selected.
“At the end of life, there is no place like home.”